Getting started

We provide a pre-compiled Mathematica interface for most Linux systems, both for double precision and the quad precision. Once downloaded, just make the file executable through

# for double precision
$ chmod +x handyG-double
# for quad precision
$ chmod +x handyG-quad

and load it into Mathematica

(* for double precision *)
(* for quad precision *)

Obtaining the code

The code can be downloaded from this page in compressed form or cloned using the git command

$ git clone

This will download handyG into a subfolder called handyg. Within this folder

$ git pull

can be used to update handyG.

Installing using make

The code follows the conventional installation scheme

./configure  # Look for compilers and make a guess at
             # necessary flags
make all     # Compiles the library
make check   # Performs a variety of checks (optional)
make install # Installs library into prefix (optional)

handyG has a Mathematica interface (activate with --with-mcc) and a GiNaC interface (activate with --with-ginac) that can be activated by supplying the necessary flags to ./configure. The latter is only used for testing purposes and is not actually required for running. Another important flag is --quad which enables quadruple precision in Fortran. Note that this will slow down handyG, so that it should only be used if double-precision is indeed not enough.

The compilation process creates the following results

  • libhandyg.a the handyG library

  • handyg.mod the module files for Fortran 90

  • geval a binary file for quick-and-dirty evaluation

  • handyG the Mathematica interface

Usage in Fortran

handyG is written with Fortran in mind. We provide a module handyg.mod containing the following objects

  • prec

    the working precision as a Fortran kind. This is read-only, the code needs to be reconfigured for a change to take effect. Note that this does not necessarily increase the result’s precision without also changing the next options.

  • inum

    a datatype to handle \(\io^\pm\)-prescription (see Section 3.4).

  • clearcache

    handyG caches a certain number of classical polylogarithms (see Section 3.5). This resets the cache (in a Monte Carlo this should be called at every phase space point).

  • G

    the main interface for generalised polylogarithms.

The following code calculates five GPLs (see paper for details)

  use handyG
  complex(kind=prec) :: res(5), x, weights(4)
  call clearcache

  x = 0.3 ! the parameter

  ! flat form with integers
  res(1) = G((/ 1, 2, 1 /))

  ! very flat form for real numbers using F2003 arrays
  res(2) = G([ 1., 0., 0.5, real(x)])
  ! this is equivalent to the flat expression
  res(2) = G([ 1., 0., 0.5 ], real(x))
  ! or in condesed form
  res(2) = G((/1, 2/), (/ 1., 0.5 /), real(x))

  ! flat form with complex arguments
  weights = [(1.,0.), (0.,0.), (0.5,0.), (!.,1.) ]
  res(3) = G(weights, x)

  ! flat form with explicit i0-prescription
  res(4) = G([inum(1.,+1),inum(0,+1),inum(5,+1)], &
  res(5) = G([inum(1.,-1),inum(0,+1),inum(5,+1)],&
  ! this is equivalent to
  res(5) = G((/1,2/),[inum(1.,-1),inum(5,+1)], &

  do i =1,5
    write(*,900) i, real(res(i)), aimag(res(i))
900 FORMAT("res(",I1,") = ",F9.6,"+",F9.6,"i")

The easiest way to compile code is with pkg-config. Assuming handyG has been installed with make install, the example program example.f90 can be compiled as (assuming you are using GFortran)

$ gfortran -o example example.f90 \
       `pkg-config --cflags --libs handyg`
$ ./example
res(1) = -0.822467+ 0.000000i
res(2) =  0.128388+ 0.000000i
res(3) = -0.003748+ 0.003980i
res(4) = -0.961279+-0.662888i
res(5) = -0.961279+ 0.662888i

If pkg-config is not avaible and/or for non-standard installations it might be necessary to specify the search paths

$ gfortran -o example example.f90 \
>     -I/absolute/path/to/handyg -fdefault-real-8 \
>     -L/absolute/path/to/handyg -lhandyg

Usage in Mathematica

We have interfaced our code to Mathematica using Wolfram’s MathLink interface. Below we show how to calculate the functions above in Mathematica, again, assuming that the code was installed with make install

res[1] = G[1,2,1]
res[2] = G[1,0,1/2,x]
res[3] = G[1,0,1/2,1+I,x]
res[4] = G[SubPlus[1],5,1/x]
res[5] = G[SubMinus[1],5,1/x]

Using SubPlus and SubMinus the side of the branch cut can be specified. In Mathematica, this can be entered using ctrl _ followed by + or -. When using handyG in Mathematica, keep in mind that it uses Fortran which means that computations are performed with fixed precision.